Barry Katz: Turning Nos Into Yes

Barry Katz Interviewed & Written by Al Bahmani Edited by: Magee Miller

What do Dave Chappelle, Wanda Sykes, Dane Cook, Jim Breuer, Nick Swardson, Tracy Morgan, Bill Bellamy, Bill Burr, Jeffrey Ross, Bert Kreischer, Darrell Hammond, Whitney Cummings, Bobcat Goldthwait, Jay Mohr, and Louis CK have in common? Other than being funny, they were all managed by Barry Katz.

Most folks remember seeing Barry giving Orny Adams sound advice in Jerry Seinfeld’s  “Comedian” or more recently bumping into Jerry Seinfeld and Michael Richards in a recent episode of  “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.” Like a later day Swifty Lazar, Barry Katz has signed over 100 television deals with his clients and produced over 50 different TV stand-up specials, (INCLUDING ONES With DANE COOK, JAY MOHR, NICK CANNON, SINBAD & EDDIE GRIFFIN), documentaries, and multiple television series including “Whitney,” “Mr. Box Office,” “Action,” “Mohr Sports,” “Frank TV,” and seven (7) seasons of “Last Comic Standing.” Barry was also instrumental in helping Dave Chappelle, Jim Breuer and Neal Brennan sell “Half Baked” to Universal.

His “Industry Standard” podcast debuted at Number 3 on the iTunes charts. The podcast is recommended listening for anyone wanting to get involved in the entertainment industry. Not only are the episodes inspirational, but you find yourself cheering for and learning from people you’ve probably cursed at or vilified at one point in time or another. Without any further delay, here’s a most candid interview with manager/producer/podcaster Barry Katz.

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Notes On The Comedy Underground

By Paul Oddo
August 22nd, 2014 | New York City, NY
Edited by Al Bahmani

Open mics are like slaughterhouses. We all want the meat, but few of us have the guts to get down on that killing floor to witness the carnage and appreciate the process. Beautiful jokes are prime cuts of expertly carved funny meat. What ends up on your plate is the end result of a long gruesome undertaking, which is the practice required to hone the skill to make it look so easy. When people see Louis CK, Chris Rock, Sarah Silverman or Russell Peters perform they buy the ticket, enjoy the show and go home with those memories. They don’t see the failure that went into reaching that polished level. There is a lot of effort involved in making it look effortless, many levels to get there, and open mics are one of the most important.

To many people open mics are not seen as important. They can be excruciatingly awkward at times. Other times open mics downright offensive and even frightening. During our mic people have asked me questions;

“Is it always this misogynistic?”

“Is this mic supposed to be this offensive?”

“Do people make jokes about race a lot?”

“Do comics do a lot of homophobic material like that?”

“Why do you let people say things like that?”

My answer is always the same,

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Paul Oddo Redux

Interviewed & Written by: Al Bahmani

Edited by: Magee Miller


Winner of The 2012 Boston Comedy Festival Paul Oddo is regular in New York’s alternative scene. During his first year doing comedy Paul Oddo tied with Sam Demaris for Funniest Person in 2002’s Houston’s Funniest Person Contest. A coin was tossed and Sam won that year.

Nominated Best Local Comedian by The Houston Press in 2006, Paul Oddo is comedian that even the most jaded local comedians love to hear. Paul took some time off from shows & self promotion to catch up and tell us what he’s been up to.

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